Step 2
Remove The Feet

August 2017

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Thank you,
Herrick Kimball


  1. Great instructional blog -- makes me wish I lived in the country still. I lived in a village in rural South Africa & had fried chicken feet, which were surprisingly good. You should try one sometime.

  2. if you have any chinese or vietnamese restaurants around you, they will buy your chicken feet. promise. (them first. lol)

  3. I love this blog, it is very informative. the one thing i was most interested in, though, was actually killing/plucking the chicken. that is the part i am most nervous and unsure about. have you ever considered doing a step-by-step about that?

  4. "Walkie Talkie" is a South African "delicacy" made from the heads and feet of chickens.

  5. I've never had fried chicken feet, but my grandmother used to make them and they were a favorite treat of my aunts and uncles. One uncle said they taste a lot like popcorn. This was in northern Oklahoma, by the way, not South Africa. lol

  6. You can make chicken stock from the feet. Chop them up, put them in simmering (not rolling boil) water for a day or so, then strain out the solids and use the broth fresh or frozen in any chicken broth recipe.

  7. We're planning to raise chickens for the first time this year. Two of my children are from Haiti, and they are soooooooo excited about this because they cannot understand why American stores sell chicken without the feet?!?

    They insist we'll be leaving them on and frying them up.


  8. Love all the info I'm finding on your sites! Just came across "I throw the legs away" re: butchering...yikes!! I live on an island in Washington State. I use them to make the best gelatin for stock by simmering them down. I've never used anything so amazing! And, my Latino friends favor the legs over all else! True, it grosses my kids out to find a pot of chicken legs on the stove...

  9. Loving your log. Awesome instruction and photos!!

    As for the chicken feet, I probably would not eat them either, but dogs love them. Ive paid over a dollar a foot for them for my poochies a special treat.

  10. We give the chicken feet to our dogs to eat. We only feed our dogs raw meat and bones. It is safe to give your dog bones and meat to eat as long as it is raw. When you cook bones they get hard and brittle and can hurt a dog. Even if you feed kibble, raw chicken feet are great for cleaning your dogs teeth naturaly.

  11. One of our hens started crowing the other day. No wonder we weren't getting any eggs from her! We're in an Urban Setting, so we needed a fast solution. We had no takers for a roo rescue.... so here we go with our first butcher! Thanks for the great entries....

  12. I'm an expat Floridian, living in Peru, and have started buying my chickens at the market to save a little money and get fresher product. They're already plucked and partially butchered - heads and feet removed - hence my coming to your page, to find out the best way of removing the rest of the innards. Although the feet are removed, they ALWAYS come with the chicken (as does the head). We always use them in soup - they make the best broth. You can pick them out if you like, but my kids love to suck the meat off them.

  13. If you dunk the entire bird (including legs) in the scalding vat, the Whizbang plucker will also remove the icky dirty skin from the legs -- including the outer parts of the toenails. I have yet to build a scalding machine and just use a turkey frying pot on a large propane camp stove to scald with. I can dunk two birds at a time unless they are exceptionally large. My husband sands down a fresh 1x2 about 18" long every time I butcher, to keep stirring/dunking the carcasses in the hot water.

    The feet make wonderfully flavored broth with a delicious mouth-feel due to the gelatin in the feet. The broth turns into thick gelatin when cooled!

  14. I am just over 26 and I have been a vegetarian for almost 26 years. I suggest you try some of the feet or will take them from you. The meat is creamy and has a lite bloodless lean flavor, but that was the only pare I had so far in my soup. I like them as much as the lags.

  15. I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved. See the link below for more info.


  16. Hi, uh... your chickens still have heads? Maybe this sounds retarded, but how did you kill them? The whole time I was growing up my dad/grandpa/uncles chopped the heads off to kill them then hung them upside down to drain.

  17. Such a wonderful posrt about :Step 2 Remove The Feet"

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  18. Love to see further steps for easy chicken butching.
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